Saturday, July 11, 2009

Another insomnia post.

Well, it's 3:00 am and I have been awake forever. Why must I be cursed with insomnia??? Seriously, there could be far worse things. I should probably stop whining on the rant blog. But ranting relieves so much stress! It is really addictive. This post probably won't be 100% coherent when I publish it. I am not very eloquent right about now. Well, I might as well rant at unimportant things now: My sister will never have any friends, because she is mean and selfish and filthy. Summer is really boring, but on the other hand I'm not in a Soviet era goulag. And Gollum bites off Frodo's finger. (blech) Olay, rant done, I can haz sleep nao?


  1. Not being able to sleep is *so* frustrating (not to mention tiring). I hope you get over your insomnia soon. Have you ever tried just relaxing everything? I know it sounds silly and perhaps a bit obvious, but if you start with your toes and relax/pretend to erase your body, you end up drifting off to sleep. At least that's what works for me.

    Who's Gollum? Who's Frodo? And I agree, blech is right.

  2. Thanks for sympathy. Gollum and Frodo are characters from a human fantasy novel trilogy called Lord of the Rings.
