Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Incompetent violin players!

Urhg! I hate our second violins! They are completely incapeable of playing the basic things that they learned in 4th grade. Ashely, Brian, and I are really tired of them. They can take up an entire week on one line of music. But when the 1st violins (Brian and I) need to replay anything, they explode. "Stop wasting our time" they say, "Ms. Lewis, make them 3rd violins!" Grrr, the unjustness of it all! I will not give any names, out of respect, but I will say that two of them are whiny airheads, and one of them resembles a beaver.


  1. Honestly, even if you are 1st violin, you're not gonna be perfect. I'd like to see them try. Grr is right!

  2. Wow, this is exactly how it felt to be trapped in kachina training for years on end. All the little amatuers are so irritating. I hope they start practicing!

  3. Gah! you have migrated to other blogs! I am so confused! Do you want to join this blog so you can rant about whatever fire FAIRIES* rant about?

    *I got it right this time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ugh, that would make me frustrated, too.

    Sorry about that comment that I deleted. Lots of typos, lol!

  6. Well what else would I rant about? But I'll understand if you want to keep the blog, I dunno...human. *smiles*

    Thank you for getting it right *smiles AGAIN*

    I smile too much when I'm typing...
